ME: Metro Mode


My “Smel Chanel” in todays Metro

Just Kids


I’m on my way to London along with my very tattered passport and the amazing book; Just Kids. This is the third time I will be reading Patti Smith’s story about her and the fascinating photographer Robert Mappelethorpe..can’t get enough of it!



The  Invitation for my next exhibition event…



THE END of beautiful weekend!!!

Hello Finland


Wiiiiii for the weekend, god bye Stockholm, and hello Findland..

Chanel Candy Land


Making delicious Chanel Candy for my “Taste Chanel” shoot! I have about 500 stones of candy to play around with…

Steninge Swedish Art 2012


Right now I’m at Steninge Palace for my vernissage. The white walls are filled with brightly coloured artworks from a wide diversity of artistic expressions and technique. Another artist that is part of the exhibition is the wonderful Manuela Vintilescu. The first time I saw her work, I was 14 years old and went to Liljevalchs Gallery. I completely and utterly fell in love with her Japanes Popicons. Today, 12 years later I’m showcasing my work alongside hers!

No Artificial Flowers



Steninge Palace


This summer you can find my art at the scenic Stenninge Palace!!! The exhibition starts the 5th of  May with a press showing & vernissage. The artworks will be on display all the way to the 26th of August..

Painting Pineapples..


Painting pineapples for my “No Artificial Colours Project”!