“Smell Chanel (PurpleHaze)”


“Smell Chanel (PurpleHaze)” 143×100 cm  glass mounted!

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Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween! created some halloween decoration…




ELLE magazine


I found my art in the November issue of ELLE! “No artificial HOTdogs”!!

clara hallencreutz art 64



Sunday..time for brunch and the Christer Strömholm exhibition at Fotografiska

The Series “Smell Chanel”


Work in progress: The Compleate series “SMELL CHANEL”:

-“Smell Chanel – PurpleHaze”

-“Smell Chanel – Lime”

-“Smell Chanel – Fire”

-“Smell Chanel – White”

-“Smell Chanel – Colour”



I’m at Nationalmuseum to see the new exhibition Pride and Prejudice that explores conditions and opportunities for female artists in France and Sweden in 1750–1860.

Adelaide Labille-Guiard and I are not wearing the same type of clothes when we paint!

Morgonstund har guld i mun…


Morgonstund har guld i mun…


chocolate and flowers


Pimping the apartment with flowers an 3 shades of chocolate…

New Artworks


2 new pleximounted artworks: “taste Chanel” 142×100 cm & “mc donalds the golden arches” 142×100 cm

Smell Chanel Purple Haze


Work in progress: Making new Chanel flowers…this one: “Smell Chanel Purple Haze”..