brushstrokes of flowers…

Work in progress of the art project “a brushstroke of colour” and “a brushstroke of white”
link to the final artwork:
Clara Hallencreutz Art 18 Clara Hallencreutz Art 20

Artist statement.

“This series is the result of an exploration into the complex composition of an image. A digital photograph is comprised of pixels that appear as dots. Similarly, a painting is the sum of many brushstrokes. When I arrange my installations, I use common and literal objects, such as flowers and candy. Each individual flower or piece of candy, or other piece of material, is representative of a pixel or a brushstroke. It could be considered ‘painting with flowers’. The viewer can choose to either see the subject, such as a dot in this work (a highly divers symbol) , or the substance from which it is constructed, such as flowers. The artworks; A Brushstroke of White & A Brushstroke of Colour and White Pixels & Colour Pixels acknowledge the fundamental and essential building block elements of the image; the pixel and the brushstroke.”